# Usage **Usage**: ```console $ rocketLauncher [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... ``` **Options**: * `--install-completion`: Install completion for the current shell. * `--show-completion`: Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or customize the installation. * `--help`: Show this message and exit. **Commands**: * `config`: Create configuration file and/or set defaults * `cookiecutters`: List/ add available cookiecutters * `init`: Configure the projects directory and login to... * `new`: Creates new project in folder, runs a... * `push`: Creates a local repository and pushed it to... ## `rocketLauncher config` Create configuration file and/or set defaults **Usage**: ```console $ rocketLauncher config [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... ``` **Options**: * `--help`: Show this message and exit. **Commands**: * `change`: Change a default * `init`: Define default configuration ### `rocketLauncher config change` Change a default **Usage**: ```console $ rocketLauncher config change [OPTIONS] ``` **Options**: * `--key TEXT`: Name of the value to change * `--new-value TEXT`: New default value * `--help`: Show this message and exit. ### `rocketLauncher config init` Define default configuration **Usage**: ```console $ rocketLauncher config init [OPTIONS] ``` **Options**: * `--env-manager TEXT`: Environment manager to use by default * `--create-env / --no-create-env`: Create a virtual environment by default * `--poetry-adapted / --no-poetry-adapted`: Are the cookiecutters used adapted for Poetry by default * `--upload-github / --no-upload-github`: Upload to github by default * `--commit-message TEXT`: Deafult commit message * `--quickstart / --no-quickstart`: Use quickstart by default or interactive prompt * `--help`: Show this message and exit. ## `rocketLauncher cookiecutters` List/ add available cookiecutters **Usage**: ```console $ rocketLauncher cookiecutters [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... ``` **Options**: * `--help`: Show this message and exit. **Commands**: * `add`: Adds new cookiecutter to curated... * `list`: List all the cookiecutters available ### `rocketLauncher cookiecutters add` Adds new cookiecutter to curated cookiecutters **Usage**: ```console $ rocketLauncher cookiecutters add [OPTIONS] ``` **Options**: * `--alias TEXT`: Alias for the new cookiecutter * `--link TEXT`: Link of the cookiecutter, to use with cookiecutter command * `--help`: Show this message and exit. ### `rocketLauncher cookiecutters list` List all the cookiecutters available **Usage**: ```console $ rocketLauncher cookiecutters list [OPTIONS] ``` **Options**: * `--help`: Show this message and exit. ## `rocketLauncher init` Configure the projects directory and login to Github. **Usage**: ```console $ rocketLauncher init [OPTIONS] ``` **Options**: * `--projects-path DIRECTORY`: Directory where projects are located [required] * `--github-token TEXT`: Github token to be used to connect to Github * `--set-config / --no-set-config`: Whether to set the default config now or not [required] * `--help`: Show this message and exit. ## `rocketLauncher new` Creates new project in folder, runs a cookiecutter and uploads to github. **Usage**: ```console $ rocketLauncher new [OPTIONS] ``` **Options**: * `--project-name TEXT`: Name of the project. To be used for the repo and virtual environment * `--env-manager [conda|pyenv]`: Virtual environment manager used for the project [default: pyenv] * `--create-env / --no-create-env`: Boolean variable to tell if create or not a virtual environment. If false, it activates the virtual environment [default: True] * `--cookiecutter TEXT`: Alias in curated list or link to a cookiecutter * `--poetry-adapted / --no-poetry-adapted`: Is the cookiecutter chosen adapted for Poetry? [default: True] * `--upload-github / --no-upload-github`: Choose whether you create a repository and upload to Github or not [default: False] * `--commit-message TEXT`: Commit message [default: :tada: initial commit] * `--quickstart / --no-quickstart`: Choose all defaults [default: True] * `--help`: Show this message and exit. ## `rocketLauncher push` Creates a local repository and pushed it to Github **Usage**: ```console $ rocketLauncher push [OPTIONS] ``` **Options**: * `--commit-message TEXT`: Commit message * `--help`: Show this message and exit.