
Since the nature of this package is very opinionated (meaning, made with me in mind) I will not be publishing to pypi. But if you would like to use it, this are the installation steps.


For rocketLauncher to work the followinng packages need to be installed.

Once installed you can use the following code to get the latest release.


    # Find the latest release.
    latest=$(git ls-remote --tags --refs $repo | # Fetch remote tags.
                     sort -t '/' -k 3 -V |       # Sort them by version.
                     tail -n 1 |                 # Take the latest one.
                     awk -F / '{print $3}')      # Return only the tag.

    # Craft the URL for the release asset.
    version=$(echo $latest | tr -d 'v')  # Remove the leading v.

    # Install the release.
    pip install $release

From sources

The sources for rocketLauncher can be downloaded from the Github repo.

Bear in mind that to install this package from source you will need to have Poetry installed in your system.

With that in mind, you can either clone the public repository:

    git clone git://

Or download the tarball:

    curl -OJL

Once you have a copy of the source, you can install it with:

    poetry build
    poetry install